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A.I. for Good

Aside from the whole robots-taking-our-jobs thing, artificial intelligence is doing a lot of good things in our lives. And Intel technology is behind most of it. So, first, we interviewed several internal and external influencers. But instead of pushing out a typical talking head video, we developed a series of animated shorts that illustrate the key talking points we captured from our interviews. Each video is a quick hit highlighting what AI is doing to make the world a better place.


In manufacturing, artificial intelligence is making a safer, more productive workplace. 

In healthcare, artificial intelligence is changing the way doctors diagnose disease.

In financial services, AI is helping authorities spot fraud.

We continued to extend our message with mobile-friendly data visualizations.

Each video is contained within a corresponding long-form editorial piece and a compelling data visualization - creating an immersive, informative magazine experience, even on the big tech company's old dot com.

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