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Microsoft Office 365

Most of us have lived with Microsoft Office for a long, long time. And then suddenly, there were competitors - and not just fellow megacompanies like Google, but also really nimble startups like Slack. Microsoft wanted the small business owner to know that it was dedicated to helping small businesses achieve greatness - one way was to offer the full suite of Microsoft Office on the cloud for $5/month. Another way would be to create interesting content that not only entertained but also helped make business owners better ... at business.


We started with a long-form customer story. Fish's Eddy, the legendary New York housewares store, was our target. We produced the piece in a way that fit the quirky personality of the store, from the music to the montages. We then built numerous cut-downs and other social assets from here.

Microsoft Small Business Academy. We created an educational platform for small business owners, a resource rich in relevant, informative content. We structured the new content in a curriculum, encouraging registration via webcasts with luminaries in business, like Carol Roth, a frequent CNBC contributor.

We even created the most fundamental pieces of content, from eBooks to infographics. And we developed methods to make the most of the investment that went into content development, like a magazine that featured the best bits and pieces from the entire body of new content, owned content and partner content.

To drive demand further, we built a series of 'demo-tainment' videos, short, quick video demos of specific new features of the new Office 365. We did 4 of these in one day, on a shoestring budget. All in, they produced more than a million views.

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